If you wish to obtain a link to the zoom meeting, please email
Please provide your BC membership number on the email, your association with the East Midlands region, and any details for anything you wish to raise or discuss.
Here's our standard agenda
1. Chairman’s opening remarks
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of previous Board meeting and review of the AGM minutes
4. Matters Arising
a. National Delivery Structure update (CG / SJ)
b. Update on Recruitment of roles (SJ)
5. Correspondence & secretarial update (CL)
6. Financial Reports (SC)
7. Reports: (Attached)
a. Cycling Delivery Manager (SJ)
b. Regional Events Officer (KL)
i. Recruitment Initiatives - Comms / AMS
ii. 2022 calendar
c. Road Events Work Group (KL)
d. MTB Update (MW)
e. BMX Update (LH)
f. Track Update (LL)
g. Junior & Youth Development Update (GM)
h. Publicity Manager Update (CL)
9. AOB