Dear members,
Please find attached the notice of regional board meeting, for British Cycling East Midlands, for Thursday 9th December 2021 at 7pm.
We are delighted to have Brian Facer join us for our session this time, Brian is the Chief Executive of British Cycling.
The meeting will take place online, using Zoom, and all members are welcome.
What do you have to do to join the meeting?
Please write to -
Please can you provide the following information
- Your British Cycling membership
- The club you are affiliated to
You will be sent, by email, a ‘google’ calendar, which will contain the link to the meeting, and the documentation for the meeting (Agenda, Reports, Minutes)
PLEASE NOTE: The etiquette for the meeting is that all webcams are ON
If you have anything that you want to raise at the meeting, please inform the secretary, in advance, to allow appropriate time